Monday, December 15, 2008

Kulinary in Nangroe Aceh Darusalam

One upon a time in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, ...
Beside for office duty, as well as to complement the Indonesian province who had visited by my self, hmmmm ...
Automatically just Papua is province which not visited by me, .. hehehehe ...
Wait,..maybe someday i'll accomplished to papua okee, .. now we tried to eat some food in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam okeeeee.

Kulinary location is at KUTARAJA near Lueng Bata area

1.Ayam Tangkap -- Chicken capture

This actually the fried chicken with small cut, at the top of the chicken there are leaves, the leaves can be eaten as well but a bit dry hmmmm some kind eat a grass hehehehe, ... but it's just like regular fried chicken,... nice.

2.Ikan Kayu -- Wood Fish
Hmmm, .. what it feels like wood, ... is not..... It's actually tuna cooked with spices typical from Aceh. It was tasty and a definite taste of tuna rather than wood hahahahaha.

3.Sop Sum-Sum
Surprise...., when in the first time I see the menu .. woooowww great menu! This is cow or ELEPHANT legs, because the leg size is SUPER JUMBO.
Eat this legs using knife and fork and to eat the "sum-sum" we must use pipette or straw hmmmmm high cholesterol but yaaaaa no problem for this time, .. ..
We can eat this super jumbo cow legs with white rice or cassava ,....