Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jaime Rascone, Professional Prostitute-Tester

Jaime Rascone is no different than the rest of us in that the erstwhile DJ needs to grab the occasional odd job to make ends meet. But the Chilean lothario has all of us beat by holding the type of fantasy job that just sounds too good to be true: Quality Control in a brothel.

Rascone, an occasional male model and DJ, first happened upon Fiorella Companions in Santiago, Chile while working on a story about the country’s sexual revolution. He was offered the gig by Madam Fiorella, who needed somebody to provide that final “interview” in her hiring process. It goes like this: girls who are interested in working as VIP escorts for Fiorella have to undergo interviews, psychological testing, and a photo session. The applicants are whittled down to a final six, who are then fucked one after the other in a single day by Jaime. He takes diligent notes on, say, how they moved their hips and whether their groans were adequate, and makes recommendations to the madam. There is paperwork involved, which we find hysterical.

The article describing Jaime’s profession really needs to be seen to be believed, as it describes the yawning coffee-slurping Director of Quality Control starting out his day on “Mariana the stewardess” after making a phone call to a nightclub he manages. His day continues in this fashion as each candidate, all in their early 20’s, make their way into his “office” (which is equipped, of course, with a stripper pole and a suitcase full of condoms.) Each one is dutifully fucked, evaluated, showered off, and then the Prostitute Conveyor Belt gets fired up again.
The strain of the job is actually such that he can only do it once a month, testing around seventy girls or so a year. And, in fact, the article closes with a kind of haunting image of the guy getting dressed after a hard day’s work with huge dark bags under his eyes. Of course, that comes after an intense description of a volcanic threesome that ended the day so, y’know.

We want to believe that this, like any other job, just eventually gets really boring and tedious, inevitably draining you of your soul and will to live. And, like all jobs in the sex industry, that it eventually gets drained of any sort of visceral joy after a while and burns the “lucky” recipient out. The article seems to head fake in that direction. But the adolescent parts of our brains don’t buy it. As we all said simultaneously, “Un Buen Trabajo, indeed.”
Click on the pic below to check out Jaime Rascone on the clock.

By Chris Alonzo

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atau klik link dipojok kanan atas bisa juga klik di myLINK

Monday, December 28, 2009

World Cup 2010 di RCTI dan Global TV

Disiarkan langsung oleh RCTI dan juga Global TV sebagai stasiun tv resmi penyiaran Piala Dunia 2010 hasil final draw Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan, Sabtu (5/12/2009) menempatkan 32 negara dalam 8 group:

Tidak ada group yang terlalu “KERAS” persaingannya kecuali mungkin Group G yang menempatkan Brasil – Portugal – Pantai Gading dalam persaingan sengit.

Berikut ini jadwal piala dunia 2010 berdasarkan tanggal pelaksanaan:
Babak Penyisihan Group:
1 June 11, 2010 21:00 South Africa – Mexico (Johannesburg – JSC)
2 June 12, 2010 1:30 Uruguay – France (Cape Town)
3 June 12, 2010 21:00 Argentina – Nigeria (Johannesburg – JEP)
4 June 12, 2010 18:30 Korea Republic – Greece (Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth)
5 June 13, 2010 1:30 England – USA (Rustenburg)
6 June 13, 2010 18:30 Algeria – Slovenia (Polokwane)
7 June 14, 2010 1:30 Germany – Australia (Durban)
8 June 13, 2010 21:00 Serbia – Ghana (Tshwane/Pretoria)
9 June 14, 2010 18:30 Netherlands – Denmark (Johannesburg – JSC)
10 June 14, 2010 21:00 Japan – Cameroon (Mangaung / Bloemfontein)
11 June 15, 2010 1:30 Italy – Paraguay (Cape Town)
12 June 15, 2010 18:30 New Zealand – Slovakia (Rustenburg)
13 June 15, 2010 21:00 Côte d'Ivoire – Portugal (Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth)
14 June 16, 2010 1:30 Brazil - Korea DPR (Johannesburg – JEP)
15 June 16, 2010 18:30 Honduras – Chile (Nelspruit)
16 June 16, 2010 21:00 Spain – Switzerland (Durban)
17 June 17, 2010 1:30 South Africa – Uruguay (Tshwane/Pretoria)
18 June 17, 2010 1:30 France – Mexico (Polokwane)
19 June 17, 2010 21:00 Greece – Nigeria (Mangaung / Bloemfontein)
20 June 17, 2010 18:30 Argentina - Korea Republic (Johannesburg – JSC)
21 June 18, 2010 18:30 Germany – Serbia (Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth)
22 June 18, 2010 21:00 Slovenia – USA (Johannesburg – JEP)
23 June 19, 2010 1:30 England – Algeria (Cape Town)
24 June 19, 2010 21:00 Ghana – Australia (Rustenburg)
25 June 19, 2010 18:30 Netherlands – Japan (Durban)
26 June 20, 2010 1:30 Cameroon – Denmark (Tshwane/Pretoria)
27 June 20, 2010 18:30 Slovakia – Paraguay (Mangaung / Bloemfontein)
28 June 20, 2010 21:00 Italy - New Zealand (Nelspruit)
29 June 21, 2010 1:30 Brazil - Côte d'Ivoire (Johannesburg – JSC)
30 June 21, 2010 18:30 Portugal - Korea DPR (Cape Town)
31 June 21, 2010 21:00 Chile – Switzerland (Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth)
32 June 22, 2010 1:30 Spain – Honduras (Johannesburg – JEP)
33 June 22, 2010 21:00 Mexico – Uruguay (Rustenburg)
34 June 22, 2010 21:00 France - South Africa (Mangaung / Bloemfontein)
35 June 23, 2010 1:30 Nigeria - Korea Republic (Durban)
36 June 23, 2010 1:30 Greece Argentina (Polokwane)
37 June 23, 2010 21:00 Slovenia – England (Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth)
38 June 23, 2010 21:00 USA – Algeria (Tshwane/Pretoria)
39 June 24, 2010 1:30 Ghana – Germany (Johannesburg – JSC)
40 June 24, 2010 1:30 Australia – Serbia (Nelspruit)
41 June 24, 2010 21:00 Slovakia – Italy (Johannesburg – JEP)
42 June 24, 2010 21:00 Paraguay - New Zealand (Polokwane)
43 June 25, 2010 1:30 Denmark – Japan (Rustenburg)
44 June 25, 2010 1:30 Cameroon – Netherlands (Cape Town)
45 June 25, 2010 21:00 Portugal – Brazil (Durban)
46 June 25, 2010 21:00 Korea DPR - Côte d'Ivoire (Nelspruit)
47 June 26, 2010 1:30 Chile – Spain (Tshwane/Pretoria)
48 June 26, 2010 1:30 Switzerland – Honduras (Mangaung / Bloemfontein)

Round of 16
1 Friday, June 26, 2010 16:00 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth 1A - 2B
2 Friday, June 26, 2010 20:30 Rustenburg 1C - 2D
3 Saturday, June 27, 2010 16:00 Mangaung/Bloemfontein 1D - 2C
4 Saturday, June 27, 2010 20:30 Johannesburg 1B - 2A
5 Sunday, June 28, 2010 16:00 Durban 1E - 2F
6 Sunday, June 28, 2010 20:30 Johannesburg 1G - 2H
7 Monday, June 29, 2010 16:00 Tshwane/Pretoria 1F - 2E
8 Monday, June 29, 2010 20:30 Cape Town 1H - 2G

A Thursday, July 02, 2010 16:00 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth 5 - 7
B Thursday, July 02, 2010 20:30 Johannesburg 1 - 3
C Friday, July 03, 2010 16:00 Cape Town 2 - 4
D Friday, July 03, 2010 20:30 Johannesburg 6 - 8
L1 Monday, July 06, 2010 20:30 Cape Town A - C
L2 Tuesday, July 07, 2010 20:30 Durban B - D

Match for third place
63 Friday, July 10, 2010 20:30 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth L1 - L2

64 Saturday, July 11, 2010 20:30 Johannesburg W1 – W

Download jadwal dalam excel: Jadwal Piala Dunia 2010

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

[TIPS] Pindahkan Filter bensin Suzuki Katana

Posisi filter kanan belakang
Kalau mau memeriksa filter bensin di Suzuki Katana kondisinya udah kotor apa belum susah and maleeees banget ya, ujung-ujungnya mobil kurang tenaga dan mbrebet.
Itu karena posisinya yang nyempil dan susah untuk dilihat,..lah wong adanya dikolong mobil di deket roda belakang kanan.
Poto kiri Original fuel filter, kanan slang tambahan
Untuk memudahkan kontrol dan periksa kondisi filter bensin tsb ada baiknya dipindah aja ke depan dekat ruang mesin.
Gimana caranya...? gampang dan gak perlu keahlian khusus kok, dan alat-alat yang diperlukan juga pasti ada di tool kit kita, antara lain:
1. Tang jepit.
2. Cutter / tang potong.
3. Slang bensin baru ukuran panjang 26-27cm
Begini langkah pemindahannya:
1. Lepaskan filter bensin lama nyang ada dikolong mobil, berikut dengan slangnya sekalian (ada 2 slang, 1 ke arah tangki satu lagi kearah pompa).
2. Pasangkan slang bensin baru ukuran 26-27cm, jangan lupa klem slangnya juga di pindahin, mau lebih bagus lagi ganti klem yang model baut (karena klem asli cuma model kawat doang).
3. Buka kap mesin mobil.
4. Lepaskan slang bensin di ruang mesin dari arah pipa ke pompa, potong jadi 2 bagian (ingat potongan slang yang kearah pompa harus lebih pendek dibandingkan yang kearah pipa/tangki, lihat photo dech..)

5. Pasang filter bensin diantara slang yang sudah dipotong tadi.
6. Pasang filter dan slang ke posisinya, atur klem slang jangan sampai ada yang kendor.
7. Hidupkan mesin mobil dan lihat diantara ujung slang apakah ada bensin yang rembes.
8. Selesai

Mudah bukan,...tinggal ikuti aja urutannya, selamat mencoba

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

All about BRUCE LEE [PART-1]

Berikut ada hal2 yg mungkin anda tidak tau mengenai Bruce Lee.

1. Bruce Lee memiliki cacat bawaan: kaki yang panjang sebelah dan testis yang besar sebelah.
2. Bruce Lee sebenarnya pake kacamata yg cukup tebal, dan dia menggunakan soft lens. Ternyata di Amerika soft lens udah ada dari jaman dahulu.
3. Bruce Lee bukan 100% Chinese, ibunya Grace Lee adalah blasteran chinese & german, jadi bisa dikatakan Bruce Lee memiliki 1/4 darah Jerman.

4. Bruce Lee pertama kali tampil dalam film pada umur 3 bulan. Ia dibawa ayahnya, seorang yg cukup terkenal dalam Chinese Opera untuk tampil pada film pertamanya.

5. Dalam suatu lelang, sebuah surat tulisan tangan Bruce Lee untuk memotivasi dirinya sendiri dgn judul "My Definite Chief Aim" terjual seharga US$29,500.

6. Kecepatan pukulan Bruce Lee adalah 1/500 detik dari jarak sekitar 1 meter ke targetnya.
7. Bruce Lee seorang yang sangat kuat untuk ukurannya, dia dapat melakukan pull up 50 kali dgn satu tangan. Bolo Yeung (aka Chong Lee)yang segitu gede tidak pernah menang panco lawan Bruce Lee.

8. Bruce Lee dapat melakukan push up dgn satu tangan hanya dgn 2 jari (telunjuk dan jempol) dan terkadang dengan dua tangan, namun hanya menggunakan jempol saja.

9. Bruce Lee mempopulerkan teknik 'one inch punch' yaitu tinju dari jarak 1 inci, dan pada satu turnamen karate, dia mempraktekannya pada seorang juara judo asal Jepang yang memiliki berat sekitar 100 kg. Di sini terlihat pejudo itu ditinju dari jarak 1 inci sampai terangkat kedua kakinya dari lantai.

10. Pada umur 13 tahun Bruce Lee berguru pada Yip Man untuk belajar Wing Chun karena pada waktu itu ia ikut geng dan sering berantem dgn geng lain. Ia berpikir kalau teman2 gengnya sedang tidak bersamanya, bagaimana jika ia diserang rame2. Bandel juga ternyata ya heheh...

11. Ada tiga murid Bruce Lee yg pernah memenangkan World Karate Champion: Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis dan Mike Stone.
12. Bruce Lee hanya memiliki 1% body fat, dimana seorang pria normal umumnya memiliki sekitar 15-20% body fat.

13. Di Amerika Bruce Lee mengajarkan kung fu kepada semua ras dgn tidak pilih2, dan karena itu dia ditantang oleh perguruan kung fu lain dgn tuduhan membocorkan rahasia Chinese Martial Art kepada ras lain. Bruce Lee menerima tantangan itu dan menghajar wakil dari perguruan tsb dalam waktu 3 menit. Bruce Lee kecewa, menurut dia perkelahian haruslah berlangsung dalam beberapa detik. Dari sini dia mulai berlatih lebih keras lagi, dan menemukan konsep "Jeet Kune Do".
14. Film Dragon The Bruce Lee Story yg diperankan Jason Scott Lee adalah film yang sangat tidak akurat dalam menggambarkan cerita nyata Bruce Lee. Di film itu Bruce Lee ditendang punggungnya, menjadi lumpuh dan harus duduk di kursi roda. Dalam kejadian nyata, cedera Bruce Lee disebabkan karena ia berlatih dgn beban yg terlalu berat dan menyebabkan cedera tulang belakang, dan sebenarnya dia tidak pernah duduk di kursi roda.

15. Dalam istirahat dari cedera tulang belakangnya Bruce Lee selama 6 bulan, terciptalah buku "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" yg menjadi best seller.

16. Beberapa waktu sebelum kematian Bruce Lee, pa qua (sejenis jimat yg dipercaya dapat menangkal evil spirits) pada rumah Bruce Lee jatuh tertiup angin.

17. Pada otopsi kematiannya, ditemukan kandungan hasish/ganja pada tubuh Bruce Lee. Ternyata suka giting juga nih Bruce Lee hahaha...
18. Di Indonesia ada juga yg mirip Bruce Lee


Work day faces in a week






6.Saturday & Sunday

C U Honey,....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Makkah & Madinah from out of space


Dear All,

Assalamualaikum...! An important message to all Muslim brothers and sisters
: Sunita Williams ( First Indian woman who went on a space journey few
months back) accepted "ISLAM" Masha Allah, bcoz when they were on the moon,
they saw towards EARTH, the entire EARTH looked dark, but 2 places on the
EARTH GLITERED& looked like SPARKS (Roshni). They were shocked to see that
and saw them with the help of telescope and came to know that those two
places were "MAKKAH" and "MADINAH" Masha Allah!. Then they decided that
after reaching to earth they'll accept "ISLAM". Thats y they reached safely
following this glitering light. So be proud to a muslim and forward it to
all like fire. Allah Hafiz...!

Kalau ngak salah sih arti dari bahasa inggrisnya .......................


Assalamualaikum........ !! Sebuah pesan penting untuk seluruh saudara
muslim dam muslimah : Sunita Williams ( Wanita Indian Pertama yang pergi ke
luar angkasa untuk beberapa bulan telah kembali ) menerima "ISLAM " karena
ketika mereka ke bulan, mereka melihat ke bumi, dan nampak semua wajah bumi
kelihatan sangat gelap (hitam), tetapi ada 2 tempat di bumi yang bersinar
dan terlihat seperti berkilauan. Mereka kaget melihat hal itu dan mereka
ingin melihat lebih jelas dengan batuan teleskop dan mengetahui bahwa kedua
tempat tersebut adalah Mekah & Madinah. Mereka memutuskan setelah mereka
tiba di bumi mereka akan menerima islam. Itulah alasan kenapa mereka bisa
kembali ke bumi dengan selamat, karena mengikuti arah sinar dari tempat
tersebut. Maka berbanggalah menjadi seorang muslim.

gambar yang sebelah kiri adalah Mekah dan yang kanan adalah Madinah

Ingin merubah hidup, klik link berikut ini semoga bermanfaat:
atau klik link dipojok kanan atas bisa juga klik di myLINK

Monday, November 16, 2009

Arsenic Trioxided (Died because Vitamin C and Shrimps)

This is the story that happened in Taiwan (I forgot about the time, because I received this message from my friend with e-mail, and my friend didn't tell the time). And if you love your family and your friends, just tell to them about this story. This is the important message for everyone who read this writes.

There was a woman who suddenly died with her six sense dispenses many blood (eye, ear, mouth, nose, skin and tongue). After investigated, she not dies because of suicide or being murdered. But she died because of food poison, she also didn't know she would be died of poison. She has a habit of drank Vitamin C everyday. It must be didn't any problem, but why did she die?

Before she died, she ate a lot of shrimps, but it must be didn't any problem, just lobster. Her family also ate Shrimps too, but no one died. And the problem was, after she ate the lobster she drank Vitamin C. And suddenly she died.

Basically, Shrimp contains an Arsenic Pent oxide (As2O5) and when she ate shrimps, she drank Vitamin C at the same time. And something happened, in her stomach got a chemical reaction and makes Arsenic Pent oxide (As2O5) became Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3) which was very poisonous, and her Heart, Liver, Kidney and Blood Vessel became defective. Her Guts removed blood, Blood Vessel was dilate until she died very dire with her six sense removed blood.

So, be careful if you eat shrimps wait until a few hours to drink Vitamin C. Don't drink it at the same time.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Parking rates at Soekarno Hatta Air Port


Here is a list of valid parking at the airport Soekarno Hatta (SoeTa), if the vehicle does not stay charged Rp. 4000 for the first 2 hours / special for sedan, the Jeep and Minibuses and added Rp. 1000 for each subsequent hour.
Meanwhile, if the bus and truck charge fee Rp. 7000 per 2 hours and added Rp. 2000 per hour.
It also counted only up to less than 12 hours stay, if more will counted the car overnight.

So if parking the car staying less than 12 hours the list charge are as follows:
No Hours ------------------ Sedan, Jeep, Minibus (Rp.)-- Bus, Truck, (Rp.)
1. 2 jam pertama ---------- 4.000 ------ 7.000
2. 10 jam berikutnya ------ 10.000 ------ 20.000
3. Total parkir 12 jam ---- 14.000 ------ 27.000

While staying the charge if the car is as follows:
No Hours ------------------- Tariff
1. 6 jam pertama ----------- 20.000
2. 18 jam berikutnya ------- 36.000
3. Total parkir sehari ----- 56.000
4 Total parkir 2 hari ------ 104.000
5 Total parkir 3 hari ------ 152.000
6 Total parkir 4 hari ------ 200.000
7 Total parkir 5 hari ------ 248.000
Note: Type of vehicles not mension at above list.
If vehicle park more than 12 hours will charge as over night stay

For motorcycles, calculated as of the charge once entered Rp.2.000, - .

This is yesterday I parked at the airport for 1 night stayed the calculation as follows:
Enter parking: 06:40:10 Hours
Exit parking: 07:55:53 Hours
Total Parking: 1 day 1 hour 15 minutes 43 seconds or 25:15:43
Charged: Rp. 56,000 + USD. 4000 = Rp.60.000

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kopitiam in Malaysia

You can say that this is a case of Kopi C served in a C Cup, literally. But it is not happening at a Hooters' outlet. Believe it or not, this is at a humble Kuala Lumpur kopi tiam.
Singapore kopi tiam owners, please take note, says Stomper DJAM, who received the story and photos via email. Instead of the grubby atmosphere and well-covered up and unattractive beer ladies at Singapore kopi tiams, they should employ these Malaysian girls.

Customers will be better served and the kopi tiams will be able to boost their business if they take a leaf from this Malaysian bright spark at a kopi tiam in Cawangan Bandar Perdana in the Malaysian capital.

A bevy of sexy, young and pretty women serve the beverages and food. They will also talk, play cards and watch the football channel with customers.

One catch though: The price of kopi, beer, teh, milo, nasi goreng, nasi lemak, nasi ulam, mee goreng, seafood tang hun, beef kway teow are all double what one usually pays at other kopi tiams.

Surprisingly, the kopi tiam is owned by a group of women, who employ good-looking and well-endowed girls.

The salary paid to these girls is comparable with what they would get working in an office.