Monday, February 22, 2010

Buat Pemilik Mitsu L300 gratis periksa Power Steering dan dapat oli mesin 6 liter

Apakah anda pemilik Mitsubishi L300 yang diproduksi oleh PT.Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (PT.KTB)kalau jawabannya "Ya" segeralah datang ke bengkel resmi Mitsubishi di Indonesia untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan secara gratis pada komponen power steeringnya.
Sebagai bukti tanggung jawab terhadap konsumennya untuk keamanan, keselamatan dan kenyamanan, PT.KTB melakukan press realease pada tanggal 19 Pebruari 2010 dimana dari hasil investigasi telah ditemukan semacam residu/kotoran yang dapat mengganggu kinerja dari power steering.
Program yang diberi nama "MITSUBISHI INSPECTION CAMPAIGN" berlaku bagi semua pemilik Mitsubishi L300 baik pick up maupun minibus dengan rentang tahun pembuatan 2008 dan 2009 (tahun 2010 tidak termasuk coy,....)

Nomor rangka yang terlibat:
PICK-UP tahun 2008
MHML0PU398K018481 sampai dengan MHML0PU398K025560
PICK-UP tahun 2009
MHML0PU399K025561 sampai dengan MHML0PU399K034680
MINIBUS tahun 2008
MHML0WY398K003001 sampai dengan MHML0WY398K003240
MINIBUS tahun 2009
MHML0WY398K003241 sampai dengan MHML0WY398K004080

Untuk tanya-tanya tentang program ini silakan hubungi nomor telepon bebas pulsa berikut ya:
0-800-1-582-582 --> (0-800-1-KTB-KTB)
dilayani mulai jam 09:00 ~ 17:00 Senin sampai Jum'at

Selain diperiksa gratis, setiap pelanggan yang mobilnya masuk program ini akan dikasih oli mesin gratis sebanyak 6 liter (makanya BURUUUUUUANNNN...), dan pengerjaannya juga gak lama cuma 1 jam aja, tapi kita liat suasana bengkel dulu rame apa nggak, kalo rame ya tungguin aja sambil liat-liat mobil baru di show room, apalagi KTB udah mengeluarkan mobil baru namanya PAJERO SPORT keren tuchhhhh.

Buruan ke bengkel resmiiiiiiiii,.........

Tadinya saya tidak percaya,....namun apa salahnya untuk mencoba hitung2 kita beramal dan mudah2an bisa menghasilkan,..amiiin
Ingin merubah hidup, klik link berikut ini semoga bermanfaat:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Toyota Motor Sales USA recall the 2010 Prius, Lexus or Scion ABS system failure

TORRANCE, Calif., February 8, 2010 – Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc, today announced it will conduct a voluntary safety recall on approximately 133,000 2010 Model Year Prius vehicles and 14,500 Lexus Division 2010 HS 250h vehicles to update software in the vehicle’s anti-lock brake system (ABS). No other Toyota, Lexus, or Scion vehicles are involved in this recall.

The ABS, in normal operation, engages and disengages rapidly (many times per second) as the control system senses and reacts to tire slippage. Some 2010 model year Prius and 2010 HS 250h owners have reported experiencing inconsistent brake feel during slow and steady application of brakes on rough or slick road surfaces when the ABS is activated in an effort to maintain tire traction.

Toyota has responded to owner concerns with a running production change for 2010 Prius that was introduced last month, improving the ABS system’s response time, as well as the system’s overall sensitivity to tire slippage. The production change for the HS 250h is planned for later this month.

“We’re committed to doing everything we can – as fast as we can – to restore consumer trust in Toyota, and these recalls are part of this effort,” said Jim Lentz, President and Chief Operating Officer, Toyota Motor Sales. “We regret the inconvenience this recall will cause to Prius and HS 250h owners, and will do our best with the support of our dealers to make sure that it is conducted in the most trouble-free manner possible.”

Mr. Lentz continued: “As part of the quality improvement program announced by Toyota President Akio Toyoda last week, our company is undertaking a top to bottom review to ensure that our vehicles meet our own high standards of safety and reliability, now and for the future. We are taking steps to implement more stringent quality control across the company, to investigate customer complaints more aggressively and to respond more quickly to any safety issues we identify.”

The recall will allow Toyota dealers to perform the software update on 2010 Prius vehicles sold prior to this running production change. Only Prius vehicles produced since May 2009 and all HS 250h vehicles are subject to this recall. First- and second-generation Prius vehicles use a different ABS system and are not involved in this campaign.

The ABS system on the Lexus HS 250h is similar in design to the Prius. The software adjustment planned for HS 250h production and dealer modification is being finalized and will be announced very soon.

Toyota will begin mailing letters to Prius owners included in this recall next week and HS 250h owners within the next few weeks, to let them know when to bring their vehicles into a dealership. Owners will only receive a letter if their vehicle is involved in the recall.

Separately, Toyota will conduct a voluntary safety recall on approximately 7,300 early production - 2010 model year Camry vehicles equipped with the 4 cylinder engine to inspect for a power steering hose that may be in contact with a front brake tube. This contact could lead to a hole in the brake tube and cause a brake fluid leak, increased brake pedal stroke and greater vehicle stopping distance.

Owners of the involved 2010 Camry vehicles will be notified by mail starting in the middle of February.

Detailed information about these recalls is available to customers at and at the Toyota Customer Experience Center at 1-800-331-4331.

Toyota Motor Sales, Corporate Communications
(310) 468-5297
(310) 468-7359


Toyota Astra Motor (TAM) RECALL Toyota Prius

Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM), Rabu (10/2) di Jakarta, mengumumkan penarikan kembali (recall) Toyota Prius di Indonesia, sebagai bagian dari recall global mobil hibrida ini. Tindakan ini untuk mereprogram software Electronic Control Unit (ECU). Tak ada penggantian suku cadang.

Saat ini, total ada 13 unit Prius generasi ketiga, yang berada di tangan konsumen Indonesia. Semua unit "mobil hijau" itu dan akan diperbaiki secara gratis. Proses perbaikan butuh waktu maksimal satu jam. Meningat jumlahnya yang relatif sedikit, TAM tidak mengundang para pemilik Prius ke dealer terdekat, melainkan mekanik TAM yang mendatangi konsumen di tempatnya masing-masing. Pemilik Prius terbanyak berdomisili di Jakarta. Sisanya di Surabaya (dua unit), dan di Malang (satu).

"Sejauh ini tidak ada keluhan dari konsumen di Indonesia soal rem Prius, meski ada pertanyaan soal itu," kata Johnny Darmawan, Presiden Direktur TAM. "Dan saya yakin, hal itu tidak akan terjadi di sini," tegasnya. Ini recall pertama Toyota di Indonesia.

Toyota-Motor Corp. (TMC) di Jepang melakukan recall Prius karena adanya keluhan sistem rem yang kadang-kadang terasa sedikit loss. Menurut penyelidikan TMC, sebagaimana disampaikan Joko Trisanyoto, Direktur Pemasaran TAM, kejadian itu hanya terjadi di jalanan licin bersalju. Problem itu terjadi saat roda kiri dan kanan beda traksi, semisal salah satu ban menapak aspal, sedangkan roda lainnya menapak di bagian jalan berlapis es atau salju, yang sangat licin.

"Pada saat ban mengalami perbedaan traksi, salah satu ban berputar lebih cepat dari yang lain. Sensor mobil mengindikasikan bakal terjadi selip dan direspon dengan mengaktifkan ABS. Pada saat perpindahan dari sistem pengereman normal ke aktifnya ABS terjadi delay (jeda, Red). Inilah yang kadang dirasakan sebagai rem sedikit loss," papar Dadi Hendriadi, Division Head, Technical Service Division TAM.

Perbaikan yang dilakukan TAM adalah memperpendek delay itu sehingga pengemudi tidak merasakan adanya rem blong.

Menurutnya, sejauh ini belum ada keluhan dari konsumen Prius di Indonesia perihal rem. Untuk itu, Joko Trisanyoto meminta Dadi dan timnya membuat simulasi situasi yang menyebabkan rem Prius terasa blong. "Saya pingin tahu rasanya," kata Joko. Simulasi dilakukan di jalan berpasir. "Berkali-kali dicoba, saya kok tidak merasakan hal itu," simpul Joko.

Dari 400.000 unit Prius generasi ketiga yang dipasarkan di seluruh dunia, Toyota menerima 14 keluhan soal rem, salah satunya menyebabkan kecelakaan.

"Situasi itu terjadi pada saat mobil berjalan pelan di atas permukaan jalan licin dan pengemudi menekan pedal rem pelan-pelan, bukan ditekan habis. Pada saat itu kadang-kadang rem terasa tidak melakukan perlambatan. Jadi kecelakaan yang terjadi di Jepang itu tidak fatal," kata Ahmad Rizal, Manager Komunikasi TAM.

Selain Prius, Toyota juga menarik Prius plug-in, Toyota Sai dan Lexus HS 250h berkaitan dengan isu rem ini. [Ros]


Friday, February 12, 2010

Guide to check the Size of Shoes

So many size of shoes in the world, we can devided by 5 (five) standard countries/area.
1. European
2. Spanish
3. American
4. British
5. Japanese
There're divided by 2 size for Men's and ladies.
Since sizes are not standardized, this is just a guide for you.
Try it,..OK

Have a nice day...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mitsubishi Pajero 1st Generation variant photos

Ingin merubah hidup, klik link berikut ini semoga bermanfaat:

atau klik link dipojok kanan atas bisa juga klik di myLINK

Friday, February 05, 2010

Mitsubishi Pajero 1st Generation 1982 - 1991

The first Pajero prototype was unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show in November 1973. The Pajero II prototype followed in 1978, five years later. Mitsubishi’s aim was to create more of a recreational vehicle, not just an SUV.
In January 1983, the first Pajero made its debut at the Paris Dakar Rally, taking first place in 1985 at only the third attempt. To date, the Pajero is the most successful vehicle in the Dakar Rally. This not only gave the Pajero an offroad reputation, but also helped in the sales department.

First generation (1982–1991)
The first generation made its debut at the Tokyo Motor Show in October 1981, and was launched in May 1982. Initially, it was a three-door, short-wheelbase model available with a metal or canvas top and three different engines options:
• 2.0-litre 4-cylinder petrol (2000/2.0)
• 2.6-litre 4-cylinder petrol (Astron 2.6)
• 2.3-litre naturally aspirated diesel (2300 D)
• 2.5 litre turbocharged diesel (2500 TD/2.5 TD).
• 3.0 litre V6 petrol (3000/3.0).

It was loaded with features that had previously not been seen on a Japanese four-wheel-drive car: a turbocharged diesel engine, a front double wishbone suspension with torsion bar springs, power steering and suspension seats. This made the Pajero a four wheel drive vehicle which integrated all the amenities of a passenger car.
In January 1983, only a year following its launch, mildly tuned production Pajeros entered the world of motor sport.

The Pajero, however, failed to appeal to everyone. It was seen to be a commercial vehicle, and since it was only available in a short wheel base form, it didn’t really appeal to those with families.
Hence, in February 1983, Mitsubishi came out with a long wheel base, five door model, to serve the needs of a larger target market.

The long wheel base model was available with a choice of two different engines; a 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol (badged as "2.0 Turbo" and "2000 Turbo" in some markets) and a 2.3 litre turbocharged diesel (badged as 2.3 TD or 2300 TD). It also came in Standard, Semi-High Roof and High Roof body styles. A stripped down nine-seater version of the High-Roof variant was commonly used in UN Peace Operations.
The long wheelbase model also increased seating capacity to seven, with available third row seats, which could be folded to the sides for additional trunk space or combined with second row seats to form a bed.
The Pajero was further refined in June 1984. The turbo diesel engines now had higher power/torque ratings, whilst the long wheel base models got standard four wheel disc.

Information taken from:

Monday, February 01, 2010

Smile!!! Hahahahahaha

Lee Sum Wan : Hello can I speak to Annie Wan?

Mr Sori : Yes u could speak to me.

Lee Sum Wan : No! I want to speak to Annie Wan!

Mr Sori : You are now talking to someone! Who is this?

Lee Sum Wan : I'm Sum Wan. And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's

Mr Sori : I know u are someone and u want to talk to anyone! But what's
this urgent matter about?

Lee Sum Wan : Well just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother was
involved in an accident. Noe Wan got injured and now Noe wan is being sent
to the hospital. Right now Avery Wan is going to the hospital.

Mr Sori : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital
from the accident that isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious
but i dont have time for this!!!

Lee Sum Wan : You are rude. Who are you?

Mr Sori : I'm Sori.

Lee Sum Wan : You should be sorry. Now give me your name!

Mr Sori : I'm Sori!!

Lee Sum Wan : I don't like your tone of voice Mr and I don't care, give
your name!

Mr Sori : Look lady, I told you already I'm Sori! I'm Sori!! I'm
You didn't even give me your name!

Lee Sum Wan : I told u before I'm Sum Wan! Sum Wan!!! You better be
careful my father is Sum Buddy. And my uncle holds a very big position in
the company. He is Noe Buddy!