Friday, April 28, 2006

[TIPS] Where is the position of Mitsubishi Kuda Engine Number & Chassis Number...?

Well, .. it's a question I often hear when the phone rang at my desk, especially for customers who want to do "Esek, Esek" at his machine or chassis number of Mitsubishi Kuda.
Well ,....... first of all, before we discuss about it I can explain engine variants of Mitsubishi Kuda. There are 3 variants of the engine used in the Mitsubishi Kuda are:
1. Gasoline Engine 1600cc 4G18 SOHC S3 (Carburator)
2. Gasoline Engine 2000cc 4G63 SOHC MPI (Multi Point Injection)
3. 4D56 Diesel Engine 2500cc SOHC

1600cc engine positioning for machine numbers is at the right side near the intake manifold and position slightly to near the firewall.
2000cc engine position for a bit difficult to see because we have to see from bottom side and its position near to the oil filter on the right below.
For 2500cc Diesel engine is the easiest is to the left and the position slightly to the firewall behind the injection pump.
And for chassis number the location is the same, we can see at at the right side of chassis near the RH rear wheel.

For detial of position you can see the photo above ,......
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Tadinya saya tidah percaya,....namun apa salahnya untuk mencoba hitung2 kita beramal dan mudah2an bermanfaat dan bisa menghasilkan,..amiiin

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