Monday, October 23, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
[TIPS] Kecilin Perut Yuk,....?
Kita tentunya sangat menyayangi tubuh kita kan,....? masak sih tega nyakitin tubuh sendiri, kecuali udah gak sayang sama tubuh sendiri huhehehehehe,.....
Bro and sis ini ada informasi bagus buat kita-kita yang merasa punya PERUT GENDUT,....
Selain kurang sedap dipandang, perut gendut juga bisa bikin sesak napas waktu kita jongkok, udah gitu pake baju ketat juga gak panteslah,...sama seperti perut gw ini yg mulai buncit.
Nah,.....ini ada TIPS yang diambil dari TV di Jepang,...silaken diliat dan dibaca ya,...di copy juga boleh, and don't forget to sent to all of your friend at the list.
Thank you bro and sis.
Love your body and get healthy
Ingin merubah hidup, klik link berikut ini semoga bermanfaat:
atau klik link dipojok kanan atas bisa juga klik di myLINK
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
[TIPS] CUCI LAMPU KUDA...? Gampang kok...!!
Seperti yang diinginkan dari beberapa teman untuk kasih TIPS tentang bersihin batok lampu, berikut saya tampilkan TIPS tersebut.
Siapkan dulu alat-alatnya (lihat gambar 2), terdiri dari, obeng plus, obeng minus, kunci pas 10-12, kain perca, sabun cair, blower atau hair drier.
Berikut ini langkah langkah pencucian lampu untuk kuda Generasi 1 dan 2, bedanya hanya pada saat lepas batok lampu kumplit dari rumah lampu di body mobil depan.
Kuda Generasi 1 (thn 1998 ~ 2002) yang ini paling gampang.
1. Lepaskan screw (A) pake obeng plus, dorong lampu sein dari arah sisi belakang kedepan, bisa juga diungkit pake obeng minus dari belakang, nanti terlihat baut (C) dan (D) dibagian dalamnya
2. Lepaskan baut (B), (C) dan (D) pake kunci pas 10, tarik batok lampu perlahan kearah depan
3.Lepaskan soket lampu dari batoknya, pada langkah ini lampu sudah terlepas dari rumah bodynya
4.Lepaskan bohlam lampu dari tempatnya, namun sebelumnya lepas dulu cover karetnya
5.Lepaskan juga kawat lampu pake obeng plus, supaya jangan hilang waktu cuci lampu
Kuda Generasi 2 (thn 2002 ~ 2004) agak sedikit sulit karena harus buka grill depan
1.Lepaskan baut (W) dan (X) pake kunci pas 10
2.Lepaskan juga klip plastik (Y) pake obeng plus, ati-ati jangan napsu nanti malah gak bisa kebuka, setelah screw plastik lepas dorong klip dari arah dalem
3.Lepaskan juga baut dan klip plastik di bagian lampu satunya lagi
4.Dorong grill depan dengan mencungkil grill assy pakai obeng minus dari pertemuan plat dibawah lampu sein kiri dan kanan, ati-ati pelan2 aja disini ada klip plastik lagi warna putih
5.Setelah grill lepas buka baut (Z) pakai kunci pas 10
6.Lepaskan soket lampu besar dari batoknya, jangan lupa juga soket lampu sein, lampu senja dan lampu dim, pada langkah ini batok lampu sudah bisa terlepas dari rumahnya
7.Lepaskan bohlam lampu dari tempatnya, dengan sebelumnya melepas karet penutupnya
8.Lepaskan juga kawat lampu pake obeng plus, supaya gak ilang waktu proses cuci lampu
Proses Pencucian lampu, lakukan satu persatu jangan kedua2nya dikasih air.
1.Masukkan air secukupnya ke dalam batok, cemplungkan kain perca yang udah dikasih sabun cair secukupnya, lalu kocok2 dengan menggoyangkan batok lampu kekiri dan kekanan atas bawah
2. Lakukan kira2 10 ~ 15 menit, sampai kotoran bersih, lamanya tergantung juga dari kotor tidaknya lampu tsb
3.Setelah kotoran minggat, bilas dengan air bersih dan kocok2 lagi
4.Keringkan batok lampu pakai blower angin atau hair drier bini,...terserah yg mana punyanya
5.Lakukan sampai air didalam batok kering dan tidak tersisa
6.Kalau satu lampu sudah bersih dan kering lakukan pada lampu yg satu lagi
Setelah bersih semua pasang bohlam dan lampu ke posisi semua, caranya kebalikan dari melepas
Begitu TIPS bersihin batok lampu, bandingkan antara sebelum dan setelah dicuci lampunya pasti LEBIH TERANG BROOOO,....Ngapain keluar duwit buat cuci lampu doang, mending kerjain sendiri
Keep Rolling Kuda-Klub
Tadinya saya tidah percaya,....namun apa salahnya untuk mencoba hitung2 kita beramal dan mudah2an bermanfaat dan bisa menghasilkan,..amiiin
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
My Cars from first to last
Now we want to talk about own car not Family car,..owkay.....
Here are some cars that ever came into my life ,...( own cars, ... does not belong to the family cars bro ...............)
1. Mitsubishi Jet Star Minibus 1989 - 1000cc Gasoline
2. Nissan Sentra Sedan 1989 - 1600cc Gasoline
3. Mitsubishi Kuda MPV 1999 - 2500cc Diesel
All of those car is like my second wife hahahahahah ,...... and the reason why the car # 1 and # 2 sold ,......
1. Lower side of this car was broken near foot rest, if i repair it need much money huh, ... .. if like that we thing better i sold it, ... but if we talk about fuel consumption this Jetstar can reach 1:15 amazing,...and engine also still power full just for 1000cc engine.
2. The second car is Nissan I LOVE this car, the body sahpe is clear and smooth also the engine already full chrome, and one thing this car can reach 180Km/H speed, ... it had twice tried at Jagorawi toll road, great .. ....
Now i drive Mitsu Kuda Diesel 2500cc, the engine power still good enough so far and no big trouble found.......
Love Cars like a 2nd wife,...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
[TIPS] Pindahin Filter Bensin Kuda 1.6
Susah bener waktu mau bersihin filter bensin Kuda 1,6,...itu yang dirasakan para pemilik kuda bensin 1600cc apa pasal,.......
Dia punya posisi filter bensin dibawah boss...... dekat chassis kiri bagian dalem makanya pada males bersihin sendiri, ujung2nya mesin ndut-ndutan,.....
Nahhhh bung REScue kasih tips buat pindahin itu filter ke atas begini caranya:
Lepas kan bracket (pegangan) filter bensin tanda (X) pake kunci pas 10.
Siapkan selang bensin pengganti yang baru sepanjang ± 1 meter, ini diperlukan karena selang lama gak cukup panjang bro. (beli selang bensin di atrium lantai 5)
Pasang bracket (X) pada posisi yang baru deket accu bagian dalam, kunci pake baut yang dilepas tadi (tempat dudukan filter baru sudah tersedia boss, tinggal pasang aja).
Pasang selang bensin baru dan atur selang bensin lainnya supaya bisa meliuk keatas melewati sisi dalam carburator.
Coba bandingkan antara before dan after modif. mana yang mudah untuk dibersihkan sendiri filter bensinnya....?
Dari sini kita bisa ngirit lagi biaya perawatan membersihkan filter bensin,.....semoga tips ini berguna buat semua pemilik Kuda 1600cc khususnya di Kuda-Klub.
Keep on Rolling Kuda-Klub
Friday, June 09, 2006
Kuda-Klub Peduli Jogja
Indonesia,.......kita bagai satu kesatuan dari Sabang sampai merauke begitu saudara kita terkena musibah di suatu tempat, kita akan merasakan kepiluan yang sama. Begitu pula bencana gempa bumi yang terjadi di Jogjakarta,.....sejenak kita merenung mengapa negeri ini tak lepas dari cobaan demi cobaan,...hal ini tentunya hanya TUHAN yang maha kuasa yang memiliki rencana di balik itu semua. Mari kita bantu saudara-saudara kita yang terkena bencana, tak terkecuali KUDA-KLUB juga memberangkatkan team untuk membantu sesama. Team yang berangkat terdiri dari 5 mobil kuda mewakili klub berjumlah total 8 orang: 1.Edwin - Natalia KK11 2.Agung Tresnadi - KK40 3.Christiady Tjahnadi - KK46 4.Erick T Tjandra - KK47 5.Andrianto "aan"Gunawan - KK116 6.Jimmy - KK150 7.Karnadi - KK298 Semoga bantuan kami dapat meringankan beban saudara-saudara kita yang sedang tertimpa musibah,.....Seyogyanya kita ini semua bersaudara. Bravo and Keep on Rolling Kuda-Klub
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Earthquake at Jogjakarta
The earthquake in Yogyakarta is the second national disaster after the Tsunami in Aceh,.....
Hopefully a lesson to us all, how it should be, perhaps this nation has too much sin, with rampant corruption everywhere that have been outspoken, ...
Oh ... God have mercy on this nation, and the corruptors to be conscious and repent ........
Do not cry anymore .... My Indonesia
photo courtesy from
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
[TIPS] How to solve Noise from Mitsubishi Kuda suspension
If the old Mitsubishi Kuda already run more than 50.000 the krek,..kriet,..kriet sound will be heard at bottom side,....
Sometimes the owners of Mitsubishi Kuda get frustrated, and considers ... Mitsubishi Kuda is BAD car, wait a minute ...
Ooopppps sorry boss this problem can be solve and easy repaired by our self
Here's the step to fix it:
1.Sound comes from the silencer (Teflon) which was torn off, because the original silencer is damaged.
2.Prepared 10 pcs of silencer, this new silincer made from special materials, you can get at parts shop of mitsubishi dealer near your town.
3. To install the silencer is very easy, before that prepared some tools as follows:
a. Car jack 1 set and car stand 2 sets.
b. Levers of iron, we usually call tire lever (usualy for opening the tires) 1 pc.
c. Big minus screwdriver for helping tire lever 1 pc.
d. Hammer for hitting a screwdriver.
e. Some of grease for silencer to make silencer easily go into a hole.
4. Installation steps of silencers as follows:
4.1. Jack up one side of your car than stand it by car stand.
4.2. Hit the leaf spring by hammer and make it some gap using big screwdriver and hold it by your hands.
4.3. After the gap was enough space immediatelly insert teh silencer into the hole (please see the image upper).
4.4. Do not forget the silencer must be lubricated by grease to make easy to entry to holes.
5. That's teh step to insert silencer onto rear suspension.
6. If al holes already inserted by silencer, we guarantee noise from suspension like .... krek ... kriet....kriet will disapear ,.......
Well, it's easy huh... still hard to reply ,..... contact REScue177, ... Keep on Rolling Kuda-Klub
Tadinya saya tidah percaya,....namun apa salahnya untuk mencoba hitung2 kita beramal dan mudah2an bermanfaat dan bisa menghasilkan,..amiiin
Friday, May 05, 2006
Friends from around the world......
Friendship tak mengenal tempat dan suasana, dimanapun kita senasib sepenanggungan akan terukir selalu dihati.......
Suasana ini tercermin saat aku belajar di negeri matahari terbit banyak teman datang dari segenap penjuru dunia, mereka menjadi teman baik selama belajar,
From left to right:
1. Fazal Mahmood Khan - Pakistan
2. Albert Martina Zingo - Ghana
3. It's me you know lah - Indonesia
4. Lee Tain Giann - Taiwan Republic
5. Wiliam Chan Ka Hung - Hongkong
6. Somkeat Malaritthiporn - Thailand
Kami belajar bersama, bercanda ria, jalan-jalan ke downtown Nagoya/Okazaki dan melihat Tokyo Motor Show.
Sampai saat ini selalu terkenang dengan kalian my Friend around the world...... the future.........
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Indahnya Masa lalu......
Tak terlupakan,................ itu satu kata yang terungkap untuk mengingat masa lalu saat masih kecil, Ohhhh............indahnya masa lalu..................
Berpose sejenak dengan teman main di depan rumah di bilangan Pademangan Jakarta Utara tahun 1971 (aku disebelah kanan) & bermain sepeda baru bersama adik tersayang tahun 1973.....
Masih teringat oleh ku hamparan kolam ikan diseputar rumah, dengan air yang jernih dan riak air yang terdengar mendayu-dayu diterpa canda riang ikan gurame, ikan mas dan ikan nila serta kicau burung menjelang siang.
Saat itu kebetulan ayahku memiliki beberapa petak kolam ikan dan satu rumah panggung sebagai tempat tinggal kami.
Hanya ada beberapa rumah saja di sekitar rumah kami, waktu itu wilayah ancol masih dihuni oleh beberapa species monyet, namun seiring berjalannya waktu entah kemana monyet-monyet itu pergi........
Udara dan air masih begitu bersih dan sejuk, kami sering mandi di kolam bercanda bersama ikan-ikan di sekitar kami, kami sangat bahagia tidak ada polusi dan kebisingan.
Oh....Jakartaku aku rindu suasana dulu,...aku rindu suara riak air, canda ikan dan kicauan burung disekitar rumahku. Namun tidak kutemui lagi indahnya suasana itu kini,................Wilayah tempat tinggalku sekarang begitu padat dan sempit.....
Aku rindu rumahku yang dulu......................................................
Friday, April 28, 2006
[TIPS] Where is the position of Mitsubishi Kuda Engine Number & Chassis Number...?
Well, .. it's a question I often hear when the phone rang at my desk, especially for customers who want to do "Esek, Esek" at his machine or chassis number of Mitsubishi Kuda.
Well ,....... first of all, before we discuss about it I can explain engine variants of Mitsubishi Kuda. There are 3 variants of the engine used in the Mitsubishi Kuda are:
1. Gasoline Engine 1600cc 4G18 SOHC S3 (Carburator)
2. Gasoline Engine 2000cc 4G63 SOHC MPI (Multi Point Injection)
3. 4D56 Diesel Engine 2500cc SOHC
1600cc engine positioning for machine numbers is at the right side near the intake manifold and position slightly to near the firewall.
2000cc engine position for a bit difficult to see because we have to see from bottom side and its position near to the oil filter on the right below.
For 2500cc Diesel engine is the easiest is to the left and the position slightly to the firewall behind the injection pump.
And for chassis number the location is the same, we can see at at the right side of chassis near the RH rear wheel.
For detial of position you can see the photo above ,......
Welcome to "Esek, Esek"
Keep on Rolling Horse-Club
Tadinya saya tidah percaya,....namun apa salahnya untuk mencoba hitung2 kita beramal dan mudah2an bermanfaat dan bisa menghasilkan,..amiiin
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wild Water or Arung Jeram
This is one of my hobby, yes that right "Rafting", if there is a chance I will try another wild rivers in Indonesia, although requiring a specific technique, which must known by us the instructors will inform you how to handling the raft and oar before start. You know until now i already try rapid water class III + and if there're more higher level class available i will try it, need at least 4 people in 1 raft ,..... . Love Adventure Save Nature
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
TMTC = Technical Management Training Course
Career journey started from here ,.... dated 6 November 1989 is the beginning of the entry I was in the world of work. I do not know if this was meant to or not for sure once I want to be a computer expert but than start in automobile business.
Nine months of training we were guided by the instructor Mr.Murakami directly from Japan, and assisted by Bpk.Eko Handoyo, Mr. Akmal Rusli and Mr. Heuw Tjong Sen (Thank you, for all of instructor without you and I is nothing, and i don not know about automotive engineering ).
After nine months (like a baby born hehehehe)
I had to go through following OJT (On the Job Training) in PT MTB1 - Ahmad Yani, at the time I started working as a oilman assitant,....... since maybe this position is the easiest job as a mechanic.
Then day after day I go through to various fields in the workshop I began to grasp the Senior Mechanic, Leader, Final Checker and than to become a front man, who serve customers directly.
Many ups and downs that I met and this becomes a very significant provision in their careers at the current office ............
Remember ..... the mechanical working is dirty with oil and fat, but they are still human so please respect their efforts and not make them second-class citizens, without mechanical cars probably can't run properly ....
Bravo Mekanik,...... I love this Job
When I was in Timor Timur
This is the second time I visited East Timor rather than the date I was there 9 ~ October 12, 1997, in the year 1995 I also visited there.
On the first visit the atmosphere was calm and little happens turmoil, but at the second visit this wahhhhh HAZARDS , DANGEROUS.... ....................
It was in enforce the curfew, at 22:00 is no longer allowed walking on the streets, I could see through the windows of the hotel where I stay is often a kind of armored combat vehicles around, i don'r know whatever they're looking for, just to make things a little tense.
But the atmosphere back to normal at dawn in the eastern horizon ,.......
Day two I was in Tim-Tim I took one of staff at PT Bosowa name Mr. Aziz Narahaubun ohe's an Ambonese, where I had a duty to visit the statue of Christ in the eastern city of Dilli and its location was far enough, ... from car we parked we must take a walk up the stairs again, and quite tiring, hhhhh.....
But after arriving on the southern tip of the statue of Christ was, we felt exhausted as if vanished with a panoramic view and can see the entire city clearly Dilli.
That's my last memory of a visit in East Timor, very unfortunately is now out of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, hopefully will not happen again with other parts of Homeland ......
Monday, April 17, 2006
[TIPS] Be 4 ride your motor cycle --> Bikers
If you are a good bikers would have understood of what should be done when we want to ride a motorcycles below are a few tips to hold:
1. Check the Oli
Check the engine oil by removing oil deep stick, oil condition must be in the position of Full or at least half, if the position of oil under low line immediately check where is the location of leaking, fix it and immediately add the oil to the full position.
2. Chain and Gear.
Chain condition not to loose or too tight, if out of standard its easy to loose out, as if too tight chain will be broken off, set the chain tension as standard. If the chain could not be fit again following a gearnya replace front and rear gears as a sets. But ... if chain still in good condition you can cut it 2 or 4 piece its very easy.....
3. Air Filter.
Check the air filter please keep it clean, the dirty air can easily to eroded the piston ring as a result the engine oil become burnt at cylinder liner, later engine oil will be less than standard level.
4. Battery.
Check the water regularly not waiting until battery water become dry, except the battery type is M / F or Maintenance Free.
5. Gas Cable
This also needs to be checked and give it oil for lubrication, usually the symptoms of gas cable would break-off ther're some kind of "play" at the gas grip and engine rev. does not go down gently, in other words there are detained ...
Keep Rolling thunder Bro,......
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
OffRoad Clinic
March 4, 2006 is an unforgettable day for me, at that time is the day when I got OffRoad lessons about technique either directly of practice plus theory conducted by IOF (Indonesian Offroad Federation) staff.
In the day worthwhile from beginning the techniques of OffRoad car carrying, rescue techniques when we are stuck in the mud, we also got lesson that we should not destroy the natural habitat around us, for example when we using winch to help the car out from the heavy mud, we should protect the tree by using tree protector because if not it will rubbed off by our car winch sling.
Love Adventure Save Nature
REScue team in the forest
After a short break to travel in the interior of Cianjur, in order to study the introduction of natural materials, especially rainwater forests.
Occasionally accompanied by jokes and laughter of his fellow team, and our travel unnoticed has traveled tens of kilometers and could spend the night in the grove of trees.
Alhamdulillah all went well with no less a right, this is not a thing forgotten and makes provisions for the journey of life in the future, ...
Bravo Rescue Team