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Jumat, Maret 09, 2018

Brochure Export bound forward dramatically Japan original

Since the advent of the 1970's Mitsubishi exports have registered an astounding 21-fold-plus increase, today fully half of our production goes to export, and Mitsubishi vehicles are currently available in over 100 countries throughout the world.

Moreover, we currently have overseas assembly plants in nine foreign countries, including the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. By following a system such as this, Mitsubishi is fostering industrial growth in these countries, thus materially contributing to the ultimate creation of greater per capital wealth.

This remarkable export growth indicates that more and more people in countries throughout the world are coming to recognize the high standards of craftsmanship and engineering excellence to be found in all Mitsubishi automotive products.

It indicates that the international community has now discovered something that domestic consumers have known for 60 years: Mitsubishi is a name that stands for quality and reliability

Mar.77B Printed in Japan.


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