Tuesday, June 17, 2008

[TIPS] Atasi bunyi glug,..glug saat lewat POLISI TIDUR Mitsubishi Kuda

Ini masalah yang sering juga dijumpai di semua varian Mitsubishi Kuda, baik generasi pertama maupun generasi terakhir.
Solusi penanganannya terbilang mudah, hanya sediakan aja klem gas yang biasa dipake di rumah tangga untuk klem slang kompor gas, ukurannya 3/4" cukup satu aja tuch liat photonya.
klem slang gas buat join steer Mitsubishi Kuda
Sumber masalah berasal dari steering joint spline yg playnya terlalu besar, dengan penambahan klem ini play tersebut dapat diminimalisir.
Bagaimana cara pasang klem tersebut begini ceritanya:
1.Siapkan alatnya dulu, obeng minus aja cukup.
2.Buka tutup mesin.
3.Turunkan karet penutup joint steer yang posisinya ada di sekitar bagian kiri mesin (kalo kita berdiri didepan mobil). Karet ini agak seret waktu diturunkan karena memang rapet banget, boleh juga bantu pake air sabun supaya lancar.

4.Setelah karetnya turun pasang klem gas 3/4" tadi diantara joint steer spline.
5.Kencangkan klem tersebut menggunakan obeng minus yang sudah disiapkan.
6.Naikkan kembali karet yang tadi diprosotin keposisi semula, awas karet robek karena karet ini harus sedikit dimegarkan supaya klem bisa tertutupi.
Begitu aja boss caranya gampang kan,..

Keep rolling Kuda-Klub
jangan lupa kencangkan juga baut2 yang ada di join steer ya

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Heiii,...Bokong indah perlu juga lhoo buat cowok !!!

Establishing and strengthening the buttock muscles not only dominated by woman, man also needs too, .. how do guys the butt become strength .. It's easy and simple enough, we just need a large size ball only.
Here the training:
1.Prepare sizable ball but not huge, the important thing is the ball can be clamp by use your feet and not easily to detached.
2.Start sitting with legs stretched out on the floor, hands placed beside a little backward. Then take the ball and clamp between our legs.
3.Lift the ball slowly and spinned by the legs and use his power stepping stones for you, lift the ball with the foot to the knee against to you chest.
4.Hold the ball at the position at least 2 seconds, then lower and repeat to the original position movement sufficiently.
This movement will make the longer muscles become stronger and butt become formed.
5.If you think enough to do the movement, you can lie on your back and position of the ball above your feet. Slowly raise your head with both hands behind the ears and feet also raised in the middle, try not to fall the ball.
6.Crumpled your leg, raise your calf, keep your position and keep the ball not to fall. Lift your head even higher with calves raised higher and it will form an upright position.
Repeat this until you feel the power of your legs and buttocks increases.

Source: Freekick magazine edition 27
Pengunjung yang baik selalu meninggalkan kesan dan pesan...!!! Terima kasih


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